學習LabVIEW的第一年,主管就要求整個小組強制看這本LabVIEW Style Book,那時候對於這本書艱澀的英文可以說是苦不堪言,但是現在回首,這本書,真的很推薦給要學習LabVIEW的新手,可以說是是一本學習LabVIEW必讀的聖經。LabVIEW是一個圖像軟體,在接收別人的程式,往往只有"崩潰"來形容,除了每個人思考和習慣的不同因素之外,程式的構造因為反覆的修改,很容易變成是"義大利麵"。這本書分成很多段落在分享和教導讀者如何建立程式架構、設計親切易懂的人機介面和養成良好習慣。另外也推薦給已經學習多年程式的人,如果常常有接觸官方論壇,應該對 Bloomy Controls, Inc. 這家公司有印象,他們推出了很多套件軟體和Tools給LabVIEW程式開發者使用;書裡面提到許多程式整合、建議規範是在團隊合作中不錯的參考資料。
你寫的程式往往經過反覆的修改後是變成這樣嗎? (義大利麵)
Spaghetti VI—the front panel and block diagram (which resembles spaghetti) for a medium-complexity
或是這種,明明程式功能沒有很多,但是程式碼卻層層疊疊無窮無盡,不容易閱讀 (巢狀程式)
Nested VI—the front panel and block diagram for a simple application. The diagram has a highly nested
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals. The author and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein.
Chapter 1 The Significance of Style
Chapter 2 Prepare for Good Style
Chapter 3 Front Panel Style
Chapter 4 Block Diagram
Chapter 5 Icon and Connector
Chapter 6 Data Structures
Chapter 7 Error Handling
Chapter 8 Design Patterns
Chapter 9 Documentation
Chapter 10 Code Reviews
Appendix A Glossary
Appendix B Style Rules Summary
Peter Blume is the founder and president of Bloomy Controls, Inc., a National Instruments Select Integration Partner that specializes in LabVIEW-based systems development. Since LabVIEW Version 2.5, Blume and his staff of engineers have solved more than a thousand industrial applications for customers throughout the northeastern United States. To promote consistent quality among multiple developers in multiple offices, Blume established and evolved the company’s LabVIEW development practices.
Blume has written and presented multiple LabVIEW style-related presentations, including Bloomy Controls’ Professional LabVIEW Development Guidelines at NIWeek 2002 and Five Techniques for Better LabVIEW Code at NIWeek 2003. He also has published technical articles in various trade publications, including Test & Measurement World, Evaluation Engineering, Electronic Design, and Desktop Engineering.
Blume holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Connecticut. He is a National Instruments Certified LabVIEW Developer and Certified Professional Instructor. The company has offices in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. For more information, visit www.bloomy.com.
Readers who want to contact Blume regarding style-related suggestions, questions, or comments may do so at the following email address: lvstyle@bloomy.com . Readers interested in contracting Bloomy Controls for a LabVIEW development project should call us directly or contact us through our website at www.bloomy.com/quote.
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